Thursday, May 5, 2011

Homework 7

1.  A good portion of this is going to be playing off each other. Me, Eric, Courtney, and Christina will come in early and spread out around the room; Ethan, your roll will be to act the part of the teacher, lecturing over the ethics of monitoring in the workspace. Throughout, we will do things to intentionally disrupt class and draw everybody's attention. Everyone is busy on their computers with other things - Eric will not be listening to anything going on in class, but will instead be jamming away to his music (feeling confident that he can get all the material from the book); Christina will make rude comments about the class (feeling like the class is a waste of time; everything being discussed is common sense), while Courtney will interrupt with pointless questions that either do not pertain to the lecture or which have already been answered (after all, this class doesn't have any bearing on his future). I will be the student trying to listen, and who blows up at the trouble makers. At that point, you go around and slam shut their computers, and tell us all to stay after class. We'll have an argument over who was in the wrong, and why. The point of all this, of course, is to ask both what ARE the ethics of workplace monitoring, and how far do such rights extend? Do they same ethics apply in a classroom? To really make this work, the teacher needs to get the class involved. Just try and bring about the discussion; I'll be playing along with that in  the roll of the good student,and if the rest of the class gets involved, all the better.

2. My character will be a student that chooses not to pay attention and focuses on sleep rather then lectures. My character feels that since this class isn't part of his lecture he doesn't need to worry about his grade in the class.
